YogaYukt For Corporates

Employees working in IT industry are prone to develop a lot of health problems due to continuous physical and mental stress of their work. Diseases are either induced, sustained or exacerbated by stress. The common health problem due to stress are acid peptic disease, alcoholism, asthma, diabetes, fatigue, tension headache, hypertension, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, psychoneurosis, sexual dysfunction and skin diseases such as psoriasis, lichen planus, urticaria, pruritus, neurodermatitis etc.

Globalization and privatization have brought new work relationships, job insecurity, insecurity regarding future working conditions and rapid obsolescence of skills are causes of stress. IT industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in India. Strong demand over the past few years has placed India among the fastest growing IT markets in Asia-Pacific region. The reason for choosing particularly IT and ITES employees is that the level of stress these employees face is comparatively higher than other employees. Any kind of a job has targets, and an employee becomes stressed when he or she is allotted with unachievable targets and are unable to manage a given situation.

Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury.

The various types of stress are :

  • Eustress is a type of short-term stress that provides immediate strength. It is a positive stress that arises when motivation and inspiration are needed.
  • Distress, on the other hand, is a negative stress brought about by constant readjustments and alternatives in a routine. Distress creates feelings of discomfort and unfamiliarity
  • Hyper stress occurs when an individual is pushed beyond what he or she can handle. It results from being overloaded or overworked
  • Hypo stress occurs when an individual is bored or unchallenged. People who experience hypo stress are often restless.

Prolonged exposure to work stress may affect the autonomic nervous system and neuroendocrine activity directly, contributing to the development of the metabolic syndrome.

“Technology stress” in IT is here to stay. This brings extra pressure on people to adapt to new advancements and update their knowledge in their field.

Stress management program like yoga, meditation and other destressing activities like aerobics, dance etc., would prevent or reduce risk of disease due to stress in IT people which in turn will produce a healthy community.

To manage stress of their employees companies should invest in IT specific employee assistance programs and make Yoga a routine holistic activity

YogaYukt, as a collaborative ecosystem, gathers essential techniques of the meditation universe allowing users to experience and learn about themselves.

Governments together with workforce and employers understand that wellbeing through meditation is at the essence of modern minds.

Never in recent history meditation, in its various forms, has been that advocated in schools, universities and at work.

Cultivating the mental health of employers and employees profoundly increases focus, creativity and work ethics.

It simply makes our work environment a happy place with stronger bonds between people and spreads positive corporate culture.

YogaYukt extends it’s offer to corporates launching YogaYukt Pro providing human resource managers a digital tool to tailor mental wellbeing needs for each individual.

YogaYukt Pro is an administration solution simplifying the work of wellbeing managers, human resources and accounting departments.

With a dedicated dashboard personnel collectively with human resources will be able to request and validate their weekly, monthly or yearly wellbeing objectives.

From daily meditation or yoga sessions at the office or paying directly their monthly membership in chosen centers, YogaYukt Pro empowers employees wellbeing at work.

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