Dynamic Yoga

Flow yoga, also known as vinyasa yoga or dynamic yoga, focuses on connecting the breath to the movement, with emphasis on movement series like The Sun Salutation and the Warrior Series. A Dynamic Yoga class will leave you feeling energised and connected to your body and your breath. Dynamic yoga is a lively style of yoga that features fluid movement. It differs from other yoga techniques, because it focuses on body awareness and involves much more dynamic asanas. The practice also focuses on the union of the mind, body and spirit. It unearths the idea that the spirit and mind can flourish when the body is open. It also assumes that the body reflects our spiritual and mental state at the time of practice. For instance, if you"re experiencing stress, chances are your neck and shoulders will be tight and sore. But when you change your outlook or habits, your body can heal itself and enjoy optimum health and vitality. When the body is in balance, the mind and spirit and strengthened. And we are able to feel empowered and live a life of purpose and joy. In the 1960s, dynamic yoga emerged in the west after flourishing in the east. It has tai chi and karate influences, thanks to Nagaboshi Tomoi who taught it to western yogis.

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Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga


Dynamic Yoga Organizations
Satyanand Math Image
Satyanand Math
Rishikesh Yog Dham Image
Rishikesh Yog Dham
Health to Nature Image
Health to Nature
Pradipika Institute of Yoga and Therapy Image
Pradipika Institute of Yoga and Therapy
YOGA ESSENCE rishikesh Image
YOGA ESSENCE rishikesh
Rishikesh valley Image
Rishikesh valley

Dynamic Yoga Spiritual Guides / Teachers

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Wisdom Wall
