Gazing Meditation

Gazing meditation is a simple yet powerful meditative technique. Gazing meditation is popular in many regions across the world. Even though the foundation of this meditation practice remains fundamental, Gazing meditation has many versions and philosophies like the Jewish mysticism (Kaballah), qigong practice (moon-gazing), Sufism (Gazing the beloved), Greek philosophy (navel-gazing), Zen (floor gazing) and Dzogchen (sky-gazing). Gazing meditation is one of the 'shatkarmas' ( Sanskrit term for one of the six yogic purification techniques (kriyas) as outlined in the "Hatha Yoga Pradipika.") in the Hindu tradition and known as one of the greatest purification methods. Trataka (meaning to look or gaze in Sanskrit) is a meditative form that involves staring at a single point (like a reflection in a mirror, a black dot, or a lighted candle flame). The practice is based on a scientific fact that the movement of eyeballs is the reflection of thinking patterns. While focusing the attention on a single point, the practitioners can free the mind up of clutter and unwanted thoughts. Gazing can be 'Bahiranga' (external) where the practitioners gaze on a symbol/object or 'Antaranga' (internal) where stable and clear visualization is essential. Some of the many benefits of Gazing meditation include: Strengthens the eye muscles and helps in overcoming short-sightedness. Practicing before sleeping can improve the quality of your sleep. Removes distractions and calms the mind. Helps energize the 'ajna' chakra ( the chakra of intuition, self-realization, inspiration and imagination ) and improve psychic powers.

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Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation


Gazing Meditation Organizations
School of Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda Image
School of Holistic Yoga and Ayurveda
The Himalayan Yoga Retreat Image
The Himalayan Yoga Retreat
Kaivalyam Retreat Image
Kaivalyam Retreat

Gazing Meditation Spiritual Guides / Teachers

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