Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation

The loving kindness technique of Metta meditation helps direct our compassion and loving-kindness initially towards ourselves, then towards somebody, we love then also to someone we are neutral towards and finally towards those whom we dislike or have issues with. The practice involves concentration with a silent recitation of words such as " may you be happy". The loving kindness technique helps develop compassion, love, kindness, and empathy towards all around us and towards all beings on this planet. The practice has its roots deep into the Theravada Buddhist philosophies and significantly boost the practitioner's mental well-being, reducing stress and anxiety.

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Love your neighbor as you love yourself


Sharon Salzberg


Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation


Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation


Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation


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Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation Spiritual Guides / Teachers

S.N. Goenka Image

S.N. Goenka

Although he is of Hindu descent, Mr. Goenka was born and raised in Burma. During his residence there he had the good fortune to meet U ..

Loving Kindness - Metta Meditation Seekers

Wisdom Wall
