Nada Yoga

The Sanskrit word Nada translates as sound, tone, or vibration, so Nada Yoga usually means “union through sound,” or the “yoga of sound.” The ancient Vedic texts say the universe was created as pure vibration. They called this cosmic sound Nada Brahman, and it is the same sound vibration of the Om mantra. Nada is a form of inner sound meditation. Nada Yoga meditation brings consciousness facilitated by the flow of sounds, targeted inwards. The psyche is often flooded by ego; sound and vibration assist the removal of these obstructions and allows individual consciousness to resonate with the source, which is pure consciousness. The sound of Nada can be embodied by Aum which is considered to be the primal and uncreated vibration from which the universe came to existence. All other vibrations stemmed from Aum. All energy that encompasses us can be classified as vibrations and all vibrations are sound. Everything from the human cell to a distant planet in our galaxy or a grain of sand and the supermassive black hole has it�s own sound, music or vibration. The technique enables the practitioners to discover the spirituality and sensuality of a multitude of sounds, languages, and words. It also builds a bridge between the living and non-living things and circumstances that bring substance to our lives. Nāda Yoga is a powerful way to deepen your spiritual practice and discover greater inner peace, clarity and union with the Divine. Sacred sound has the power to connect and heal.

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Just Be Holistic Studio
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