Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga is not the yoga of kings, and instead involves control of the self. In Raja Yoga you control your body, breath, mind, desires to remove the ego and reach the state of samadhi. Raja Yoga is the path of self-discipline and practice. Raja Yoga is also known as Ashtanga Yoga (Eight Steps of Yoga), because it is organised in eight parts: Yama - Self-control. Raja Yoga is often referred to as classical yoga as it was the oldest system of yoga to be systematically developed into a unified practice. The practice of Raja Yoga was compiled by the sage Patanjali in his famous Yoga Sutras during the second century CE. The Yoga Sutras break down the practice of yogic meditation into eight limbs or sub-practices. Raja Yoga compiles both Hatha as well as Ashtanga Yoga. Yogic techniques have been found effective in management of anxiety. Raja yoga is emphatically believed to harmonize spiritual, mental and physical energy, thereby increasing inner strength to lead a stress-free life.

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Raja Yoga


Raja Yoga


Raja Yoga


Raja Yoga


Raja Yoga Organizations
Balance Wellness Reatreats Image
Balance Wellness Reatreats
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Eswariiya Viswa Vidyalaya Image
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Eswariiya Viswa Vidyalaya
Meditative International Yoga Image
Meditative International Yoga
Aim Yoga Image
Aim Yoga
Shrikrishnayog Sanstha Image
Shrikrishnayog Sanstha
Aryamarga Yoga Research Institute Image
Aryamarga Yoga Research Institute

Raja Yoga Spiritual Guides / Teachers

Deepak Gupta Image

Deepak Gupta

Mr. Deepak is the Director, Lead Research in Scriptural Studies at AIMYOGA, India. Educated in several professional educations like eng..

Swami Govindananda Saraswati Image

Swami Govindananda Saraswati

With 30 years experience teaching Yoga and Vedanta philosophy, graduating a few thousands of fledgling yoga teachers, Swami Govindanand..

Swami Tatvarapunanda Saraswati Image

Swami Tatvarapunanda Saraswati

Swami Tattvarupananada Saraswati was born & raised in Kerala’s culture capital, Trichur, India. As a spiritual seeker from an young age..

Raja Yoga Seekers

Wisdom Wall
