Rocket Yoga

The Rocket yoga sequence was developed by an American yoga teacher, Larry Schultz, in the Eighties.Rocket yoga is a modern, dynamic and challenging style of vinyasa yoga. It originates from a combination and restructuring of the First and Second Series of Ashtanga yoga. In Rocket Yoga, the restrictions and hierarchies of the tradition are eliminated and the practitioner is allowed to take control over his practice, it is allowed to flow. It is a demanding, fun and full of challenges practice that helps you work on the physical body and concentration. It's a rocket because "it gets you there faster." Larry Schultz, its creator, said that the Rocket is designed to awaken the nervous system and feed it with prana/energy. Rocket Yoga gained popularity because it strengthens muscles and improves balance. Due to its fast-paced nature and usually being more intense (while still being accessible for all levels) than Hatha Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga it can boost cardiovascular health too. Practicing Rocket yoga enhances concentration and reduces stress.

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