Sound Healing Meditation

Sound Healing is a practice that uses vibrations (vocal or instrumental-like gongs, Tibetan singing bowls and tuning forks) in order to relax your mind and body. It is believed that it can relieve certain ailments, including anxiety and insomnia. Sound healers say that it works by lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation and reducing the respiratory rates. While there are plenty of studies on the benefits of music and meditation on our well-being, a few large-scale clinical studies have researched sound healing in particular.

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Sound Healing Meditation Library
Sound Healing


Sound Healing


Sound Healing


Sound Healing


Sound Healing


Sound Healing


Sound Healing Meditation Organizations
Pravassa Retreat Image
Pravassa Retreat
Kundalini Yoga Ashram Image
Kundalini Yoga Ashram
Quantum Life University - School Of Third Eye Image
Quantum Life University - School Of Third Eye
Wellness Vibe Image
Wellness Vibe
International Academy of Sound Healing Image
International Academy of Sound Healing
Rishikesh Yoga Club Image
Rishikesh Yoga Club

Sound Healing Meditation Spiritual Guides / Teachers

No Teachers/Spiritual Guides available

Sound Healing Meditation Seekers

Wisdom Wall
