Dhyana Meditation

Dhyana is the 7th limb of yoga, based upon asana (physical posture), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (control of the senses, and shifting the focus to the inside), and dharana (concentration). The word 'dhyana' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'dhyai', which means "to think of." In Dhyana meditation, the concentration is on a point of focus with the intention of knowing the truth about it. This deeper concentration of the mind is believed to be at the core of self-knowledge where one can separate illusion from reality, and eventually, reach the ultimate goal of yoga: samadhi (bliss, or union with the source).

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Dhyana Meditation Meaning


Dhyana Meditation


Dhyana Meditation


Dhyana Meditation


Snehal Chaudhary


Dhyana Meditation Organizations
Yoga Vidya Dham Image
Yoga Vidya Dham
Yogoda Satsang Sakha Math - Ranchi Image
Yogoda Satsang Sakha Math - Ranchi
Santhi School of Yoga and Vedanta Studies Image
Santhi School of Yoga and Vedanta Studies
Kashi Ayur Yoga Ashram Image
Kashi Ayur Yoga Ashram
Rama School of Yoga Image
Rama School of Yoga
Sivananda Yoga Vidya Peetham Image
Sivananda Yoga Vidya Peetham

Dhyana Meditation Spiritual Guides / Teachers

No Teachers/Spiritual Guides available

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