Acro Yoga

Acroyoga is a physical practice that combines yoga and acrobatics. Acroyoga includes many types of partner and group acrobatics in which at least someone is lifted. Acroyoga takes elements from yoga such as presence, groundedness, breath, and mindfulness and mixes it with elements from acrobatics such as technique and athleticism. Acro Yoga combines the fitness, play of acrobatics, the healing, movement of therapeutics, and the balance and connection of yoga.The wisdom of yoga, the dynamics of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of a Thai massage: it is the confluence of the three that has given rise to Acro yoga. Together they form the foundation of the practice that cultivates trust, playfulness and community. It compliments Hatha or other individual Yoga Practices. Unlike regular yoga, the focus is not just on your own body and its capabilities, but on the dynamics between you and your partner.

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Acro Yoga Library


Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga


Acro Yoga Organizations
Raj Yoga School Image
Raj Yoga School
Bodhi Yoga Institute Image
Bodhi Yoga Institute

Acro Yoga Spiritual Guides / Teachers

No Teachers/Spiritual Guides available

Acro Yoga Seekers

Wisdom Wall
