Hormons Yoga

Hormone yoga was developed by the Brazilian Dinah Rodrigues. In 1992, the philosopher and psychologist created the hormonal yoga therapy. Hormone Yoga therapy consists of a series of exercises specific to reactivate hormone production and consequently eliminate the symptoms of low hormones. It acts also preventing diseases caused by the low hormone level, such as osteoporosis and increased predisposition to cardiovascular problems. Hormonal yoga is an exercise trend where traditional asanas are performed using breathing, relaxing and concentration techniques aimed to harmonize the functions and production of selected endocrine and reproductive glands. Not only does yoga support the parasympathetic nervous system, it can support hormone balance—including thyroid hormones. Deep breathing is an integral part of yoga practice. Each movement is coordinated with an inhale or exhale. For example, the Kapalabhati or “skull shining breath” helps increase oxygen flow and improves digestion. It can also help boost hormones that help you feel more focused and balanced. During hormone yoga, your brain releases all sorts of chemicals that not only help you relax but also lower your stress and anxiety levels including, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.

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